Trails News Story

Trails News Story

Mar 08, 2021

2021 Youth Conservation Corps


Youth Conservation Corps is a summer youth service-learning program that exposes participants to natural and cultural resources projects, primarily in the outdoors.  All eligible youth are encouraged to apply.

Trails/Wilderness YCC Crew (4 Positions):

  • Duty Station: Logan Ranger District,
  • Applicants must be 16-18 years old.
  • Schedule, Wed-Saturday 7:00-5:30
  • Youth working on this crew will get a broad range of experience completing general trail maintenance (brushing, drainage, tread work) and larger scale trail projects (retaining walls, bridges, sign installation). They will also obtain experience in the management of Congressionally designated Wilderness areas (Mount Naomi, Wellsville Mountain). This work has an emphasis on trail work, education, and resource protection. These positions are very physically arduous, working long days in variable weather conditions and terrain.


The YCC Crew is an 8-10 Week Program, starting the week of June 7th and running until 14thth of August. Due to the short duration, this program is not a good fit for youth with time off needs greater than a week during that timeframe. Employees will do work on the Logan Ranger District. Pay is $8.25 an hour.


We have had fantastic YCC crew members in the past, and so this will be the first year we seek hire a full crew.  We are looking forward to building on past successes this year. The application is attached to this email, or printed copies will be available at our offices. Applications need to be submitted by 4:30 pm on Thursday, April 8, 2021. Click here for the application. 


We will be hosting a virtual YCC open house the week following the application deadline. This is an opportunity for you and your parent(s) to meet us and learn more about the trails/wilderness program and ask any questions you may have. If you are under 18, a parent must attend with you. This is a very important opportunity, if for some reason you cannot make it please email us so that we can set up a time for a call to discuss the program with you and your parent in more detail.


Please share far and wide with your contacts, if anyone has questions about the Trails/Wilderness positions please contact Zach Maughan, 801-391-7542, or David Ashby, 208-431-1830,


We will be accepting applications starting now until Thursday  April 8th until 4:30 p.m.