Trails News Story

Trails News Story

Jul 05, 2019

Bike the Beav Raised over $2000 for local trails!


As 60 tough souls marched through under Utah blue skies and a gentle breeze, Checkpoint hula was playing the jams and dancing it up at little beav. Checkpoint Verse was reciting Ogden Nash ditties over the radio. Checkpoint target was honing marksmanship, and Checkpoint doodle was off drawing pictures in the woods. It might sound like a twisted episode of M*A*S*H, but it was a great day for Bike the Beav. Over 60 trail lovers of all ages and stripes participated, with a great showing by the youth. What might have felt like a bike race in other conditions, felt more like a family reunion up at Beaver Mountain - and perhaps that's just it in our tight knit community - the Beaver Mountain and Trails people are a bit of a family. 


The UnRacer's HQ benefited greatly from experienced Cache Valley Highschool Mountain Bike Team parents, helping to keep everything running smoothly. Beaver Mountain Ski Patrol volunteered to patrol the course in case of any injuries, and more than any other volunteers, we're glad they weren't really needed on Saturday. 


Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors, we made a lot of participants happy going home with prizes from Speed Mountain, Mountain Khakis, and Cache Gran Fondo, as well as a few Beaver Mountain Ski passes. And a big thanks to Off-Premise Catering, whose generous support meant that after some delicious pulled pork sandwiches, fruit salad, and cookies, no one had to be hungry driving home. Most importantly, thanks to the financial support of each and every Un-Racer, as well as direct contributions from Joyride Bikes, we raised over $2000 for next year's trail maintenance projects. 


Stay tuned for next year's event, and if you can't wait that long, come up and experience Cache Valley's first highschool mountain bike race, tentatively scheduled for Beaver Mountain in the fall. While we had 60 for the Un-race, the high school league anticipates around 500 on raceday - it's going to be a scene. 

A full set of BiketheBeav UnRace photos can be found on our facebook page here

For individual unracer portraits, check out the full gallery of participants here
