Trails News Story

Trails News Story

Jun 13, 2018

Will you help us make better trails?

We're putting up this post to spread the word about volunteer opportunities here in Cache Valley as related to trails and active transportation.  If you've been following the Trails Cache for any amount of time, you've been following the publicized efforts of Cache County's sole trails and active transportation-focused full time employee.  But as trail projects grow, volunteer opportunities expand, grants are successful, and active transportation events and projects develop, there is far more to do than any one person will get to as quickly as might be desireable.  So we're looking for a few passionate people who would like to give back to the trails in this valley through some dedicated time and effort. 

If your interest is piqued, here is a quick rundown of the groups you can get involved with, and the type of volunteer work we could use with each group:

Want to see our public lands trails be the best they can be? Join the Cache Trails Alliance.

CTA Logo

The Cache Trails Alliance is a community driven 501c3 Non-Profit, founded in 2017 by a group of mountain bikers, trail runners, and hikers, looking to work with the USFS to better steward and improve the trails we know and love in the Logan Ranger District.  Once a month meetings are held to coordinate efforts, and this group is primarily responsible for promoting, coordinating, and executing volunteer trail building - including our weekly wednesday night build parties at Beaver Mountain.  Check out their website, follow them on facebook, and reach out if you've got specific ideas for how to further the organization and capacity of an all-volunteer trail advocacy organization, or simply would like to attend a monthly meeting to see what it's all about. 

Want to see the Cache County Trails and Active Transportation Master Plan implemented? Come to the monthly Trails Committee Meeting.


Back in January of this year, Cache County adopted its first ever Trails and Active Transportation Master Plan.  This plan outlines where efforts should be focused to develop bicycling and walking connections between neighboring communities, and those communities and the recreational resources which surround us all. The Trails Committee is led by the Cache County Trails Planner, and is comprised of representatives from local governments across the valley as well as volunteers interested in assisting with events planning, public outreach, and interfacing with private landowners to discuss future trail development opportunities.  The Trails Committee meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month in Downtown Logan over the lunch hour.  Email for more information or to be added to the reminder email / agenda annoucnement list. 

Have a passion for walking and bicycling as transportation? Come to the monthly BPAC Meeting. 


The longest running active transportation advocacy group in the county, the Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) is loosely associated with the Cache Metropolitan Planning Organization, and is comprised of volunteers from across the valley who are a driving force behind the annual Bike to Work and School Week, Bike N Dine, and who also provide direct feedback and input to Logan City and other communities as improved streets, bike lanes, intersections and other improvements are developed.  From proposing and advocating for physical improvements to our streets, to simple community building events, join BPAC if you want to work with others to make Cache County a better place to walk and bicycle for transportation.  BPAC meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month, in Downtown Logan over the Lunch Hour.  Head on over to the Cache MPO site to read about BPAC, where you can sign up directly for the listserv to share your ideas at any time, and get reminders for the monthly meetings. 

Are you a Social Media Whiz? Trails Cache is looking for help in communicating on the 'grams, bookface and more.  

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Oh sure, we're capable of social media. You may have found yourself reading this post after something we threw together on the social medias, or maybe even your inbox.  But in efforts to balance grant writing, the design and planning of trails and acive transportation improvements across the county, our communications sometimes take a back seat to the behind the scenes work.  If you're looking to build a marketing portfolio, have excellent copywriting skills, and are passionate about the Trails Cache's mission, email to discuss how you could use your skillsets to improve the Trails Cache's reach across Cache Valley and beyond.