Trails News Story

Trails News Story

Jul 11, 2017

Bridger Bike Park moves 1 step closer to reality

Months ago, we asked our supporters to write in letters of support for a Bike Park in Logan. Logan's mayor and head of Parks and Rec heard those letters, conversations were had, and now Logan is looking to hire professional designers to build Cache Valley's first Bike Park.  This great news is the begining of a real committment to build something great for the valley.  But the funds do not exist yet to build the park - only get to design ready documents.  We need to show the community's commitment to this project with some good , old fashioned fundraising.  

Thankfully, Cache Trails Alliance, the newest 501c3 dedicated to improving and expanding our natural surface trail opportunities for hikers, mountain bikers, trail runners and horsemen/women, has stepped up to the plate and is soliciting donations and hosting a BBQ to raise funds for the park.  This isn't some little cheap-o BBQ either - vittles will be provided by none-other than Off Premise Catering, some of Cache Valley's finest. See details below, and more at  Come out for some group rides, runs, and a great BBQ this weekend! We'll see you out there. Build Bridger Bike Park and Eat Great food


fundraising details about Bridger Bike park