Trails News Story

Trails News Story

May 05, 2017

Your Valley, Your Trails

All through May and June, the Trails Cache and our partners at the National Parks Service's River Trails and Conservation Assistance program will be asking you and the rest of Cache County:

What are your top priorities for trail development in the future? Where should we focus our limited resources? How could we make our valley a better place to walk, hike, run, and bike? These are complex questions, and ones we can't answer from an office or trailhead alone.  So if you're going to be at Smithfield Health Days, the Cache Gardener's Market, or the Hyrum Classic Car show, stop by and talk to us in person.  We want to hear from you, and we want your ideas drawn on our map. 

But if you can't make those events, or would rather focus on these questions in your own time, we've setup public engagement tools online.  Please take a moment to fill out the survey and tell us about how you use trails and active transportation options in Cache Valley, and how you'd like them to be better.  We also have an interactive online mapping platform, where you can draw in your vision, tell us a little bit about it, and we'll be looking closely at all the public input we get to help us shape and prioritize the final master plan.  Stay tuned to the Trails Cache to hear more as we gather and synthesize your input.  

Your trails, your future.