Trails News Story
Dec 16, 2016
Winter Trails Resources
Snow is falling in the mountains, and though it is raining now as these pixels are written, valley snow remains in the forecast. We've been quiet over here at the Trails Cache, but it's not for any lack of work. From master plan preparations, canal trail preservation discussions, and grant writing, we've continued to prepare for another great season of trail projects. And trail work and love doesn't stop - bike tires just get fatter, some of us trade in rubber tires for plastic and metal sticks, and we all wear more clothes when going outside.
This, and each winter in Cache Valley, we tend to rely on a few great resources for winter trails:
If you cross country ski, back country ski, or snowshoe - get involved with Nordic United, contribute to their grooming of green canyon and other popular routes, From mountaineering races to kids classes, Nordic United is a great resource for local winter recreation.
The Utah Avalanche center is a key research touchpoint to know about safety before you head up into those beautiful snow covered hills. Their classes are a great way to build backcountry confidence, and their website is a continually updated resource.
No matter if you're praying for snow, planning a long drive between storms, or just praying for relief from the spectre of inversons, the Wasatch Snow Forecast website is an impressively detailed resource to know more about where, when, and what kind of snow to expect each winter.