Photo by Mike Vakula.
Do you want to see Cache County become a better place to walk,
bike, and recreate outdoors?
Well, we at the Trails Cache want to hear from you, and hope you'll take a moment to get involved. From attending a monthly committee meeting and volunteering your time and support, or simply speaking up to your local elected officials, every voice counts, and every voice helps. Here are some of the ways you can get involved:
1. Support the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC)

This group is a volunteer group that meets virtually or at the Cache County Admin Building on the second Wednesday of the month from 12pm-1pm. The group provides input on bike/ped transportation planning elements as needed, and helps organize events like Bike N' Dine and May's Bike Month celebrations. Even if you don't plan on attending regularly, but want to be alerted to monthly agendas and part of the list-serv conversation, you are welcome to sign up and contribute to the list-serv.
Sign up for the listserve here and follow BPAC on Facebook.
2. Support The Trails Cache Committee:

Do you have a strong interest in seeing new trails developed? Do you have time or interest in reaching out to elected officials, private industry, landowners, and others to help facilitate the development of new trails in Cache County? Or perhaps you have a skillset, from social media marketing to event planning, or graphic design and fundraising, that you'd like to lend to support the cause of making Cache Valley a better place. Then you might consider joining the Trails Committee. This group meets virtually or at the Cache County Admin Building on the second Tuesday of the month, 12pm-1pm.
This group works to accomplish the goals of the Cache County Trails and Active Transportation Master Plan. To be added to the invite list and receive monthly reminders and agendas, please email trails@cachecounty.gov and we'll get you on the list.
3. Reach out to your local elected officials.
Call and say thanks. We wouldn't be writing these words were it not for direct support from nearly every community in this valley. And there are some great projects moving forward and recently completed. Yet if there is more you would like to see done, or simply feel that your elected officials should know how much you value trails and/or active transportation facilities, you should let them know. We're working on an easy form that will let you contact your elected officials directly, but for now, here are links to most communities in the valley.
Here in Cache Valley, our communities are still close-knit - these Mayors and Council Members truly want to see their communities become better places - and it's up to those that live there to reach out, say hello, and let them know what they feel should be priorities for our progress forward. So reach out to your local elected officials and ask them what the next big trail project should be.
If you've got any questions for us over at Cache County, email trails@cachecounty.gov.
Cities in Cache County: Richmond City, Smithfield City, Hyde Park, North Logan, Logan, Providence, Nibley, Millville, Hyrum, Paradise, Wellsville, Mendon, Trenton, Lewiston, Amalga. Newton
3. Make a tax-deductible donation.
Every bit helps. Before we're building more Bonneville Shoreline Trail or making new paved pathways, funding is required to plan, design, purchase easements, conduct environmental surveys, and more. Your tax-deductible donations to Cache County Community Foundation 501(c) 3 will help us build and maintain a better county-wide trail network.
4. Volunteer with us.
Are you a student, a retired professional, or someone that just wants to give back to the community? Let's talk. We can work together to find a project for you. Send us an email at trails@cachecounty.gov.