Find a Survey/ Tie Sheet
Map Description
The web map below contains information about records of survey, section corners, city monuments, subdivisions, historical lots/blocks, and parcels. The data contained in this map is updated on a monthly basis. Questions about the map functionality or map data please contact the GIS staff.
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Section Corner Map Symbology Explained

Section corners that are in need of perpetuation or verification are pink. These are corners that usually have a history of data or is new information that needs verification. When a new tie sheet is created, by the County Surveyor, it's considered a perpetuated or verified corner. Section corner color will change from pink to green.

Perpetuated or verified corners are corners that have historical previous tie sheet data. Perpetuated or verified corners are corners set or verified by the County Surveyor and a tie sheet is created by the County. These corners are green.

Missing corners are corners that need to be found or set by a surveyor. These corners have some indication of existence on the ground and can be found on records of survey. No tie sheet data exists for these corners. When corner data or a tie sheet is received the corner is considered unverified and will change from blue to pink. Once the County Surveyor can verify the corner the corner color changes from pink to green.

Calculated section corners are corners found on records of survey and are symbolized yellow. When one of these corners is set by a surveyor and a tie sheet is created, it will be considered an unverified corner. Once the County Surveyor can verify the corner and create a County tie sheet, the corner color changes from yellow to green.

Center of section corners are corners found on records of survey and are symbolized orange. When one of these corners is set by a surveyor and a tie sheet is created, it will be considered an unverified corner. Once the County Surveyor can verify the corner and create a County tie sheet, the corner color changes from orange to green.
Section Corner Dispute Review
If you have a section corner you would like the County to review please fill out and submit the form below.