Inquiries Regarding Flooding in Cache County

What might cause spring flooding:

  1. High ground water: When the water table rises, it rises everywhere across the affected region and that means that it also rises underneath your foundation.  This creates a drastic increase in hydrostatic pressure against the foundation and that forces water into the basement through even the most minuscule of openings. Preventing water seepage due to hydrostatic pressure is as simple as installing drain tile on either the interior or exterior of the foundation walls.  A system of perforated pipe embedded in washed gravel, drain tile alleviates hydrostatic pressure and carries the water that causes it off to a sump pump for discharge from the foundation.
  2. Sheet flow flooding: rain falls on snow covered ground. The snow melts and combines with the rain. Since a clearly defined channel does not exist, the path of the flooding is often unpredictable and indeterminate. Water build-up can enter homes through windows and doors.
  3. Clogged storm drains: Flood control is directly linked to stormwater management. Clogged storm drains can lead to localized flooding.
  4. River flooding: large amounts of rain and snow melt fill streams, rivers, and canals causing them to overflow. Trees and other debris in the channel can cause backup and overflowing of the banks also.

If you live within a city boundary:

Seek information and assistance from your own city Administration, and then work with your city administrators.

If you live within the unincorporated area:

Access information on the Cache County website. If you need further assistance, you can contact the Cache County Sheriff's Office of Emergency Management at: 435-755-1059.

Flooding Potential, River Levels, Snow Pack, and Preparation Information:

Information is found on the Cache County Sheriff's Office of Emergency Management webpage under Flooding. Additional information can be found at Utah Department of Emergency Management

Homes in the flood plain and flood insurance:

If you live in a city, confer with your respective city administration. If you live in an unincorporated area you can call Cache County Floodplain Manager (Public Works) – (435-755-1560) to obtain flood plain information. If you want to know about purchasing flood insurance, you can contact your local insurance agent or see the FEMA website for flood insurance information.

Road Closures and trouble spots around the valley:

You can go to the Cache County Public Works website and look at the Dashboard of Current Road Conditions. There are marked locations of trouble spots.

Where to purchase sump pumps, sand bags, and sand:

You can go to Lowes, Home Depot, Tractor Supply, or some of the other home improvement stores here in the valley. If you want to purchase sand, you can go to one of the many landscaping businesses in the valley. Cities and the County may distribute sandbags and sand if there is an emergency.

If you have questions about the availability of sandbags within your respective cities or need information on sandbagging:

Work with your city Administrative offices or your city Public Works Departments. If you live in the unincorporated areas of the county, you can go to the Cache County Sheriff's Office (1225 W 200 N, Logan) where, during an emergency, there will be a container of sand and sandbags available for self-filling. There is information on the Cache County Sheriff's Office of Emergency Management website under flooding about how to use sandbags.

If you need help with sandbagging around your home:

You can organize groups from your neighborhood or work through your local homeowner’s association. You can work with your respective city Public Works Department. You can also talk with someone who is on your local CERT team in your neighborhood. If you need information on how to sandbag a specific location, you can go to the Cache County Sheriff's Office of Emergency Management website under Flooding to access the Army Corp of Engineer sandbagging guide

How to volunteer and help fill sandbags:

Let your local homeowner’s association in their neighborhood know, or contact a member of your local CERT team in your neighborhood or city, You can also contact 211 and put your name on an availability list, then when opportunities happen you can be called on to help. Help your neighbors.

Questions regarding trees behind your home that are in the river or have fallen into the river:

Within your respective city, consult with your city Public Works Department. If you are in an unincorporated area of the county, you can consult with the Cache County Public Works Department (435-755-1560),or the Cache County Sheriff's Office of Emergency Management (435-755-1059).

Questions regarding mold or cleaning up of ground water and mold in your homes following flooding:

You can seek information from the Bear River Health Department at 435-792-6570 for information and safety tips, and how to safely remove it. Or, you can contact a private restoration company.

For all other questions not otherwise specified here regarding springtime flooding in Cache County, contact your city offices or, if in the unincorporated areas of the county, the Cache County Sheriff's Office of Emergency Management at  435-755-1059 or the Cache County Public Works Department at 435-755-1560.