Property Watch FAQ

Cache County Property Watch is a free, automated service, designed to send you notifications via email whenever a document is recorded against a property in which you have an interest.

Cache County Property Watch is provided by the Cache County Recorder's Office as a free service.

You may receive Cache County Property Watch notifications for any private property in which you have an interest. You must disclose, and be able to prove if required, a valid interest in the property to receive Cache County Property Watch notifications.

An interest in property is all or part of a legal or equitable claim to or right in property. For the purpose of receiving Cache County Property Watch notifications, the Cache County Recorder's Office requires that a person possess an interest in the property in one of the following ways:

Ownership Interest – A person who possesses some percentage of direct ownership on title or who is the current trustee of a trust on title.

Beneficial Interest – A person who possesses a right or stake in a company, entity, or trust which holds legal title to the property.

Contingent Interest – A person who does not currently possess a percentage of direct ownership on title but can verify that they are a future heir, claimant, devisee, or successor trustee.

Other Interest – A person who does not fit into one of the listed interests but can prove a valid interest in the property.

Yes, Cache County Property Watch is designed to provide you with notifications for any amount of properties in which you have an interest.

Yes, but only if you are able to prove that you have a valid interest in the property.

Yes, but only if they are able to prove that they have a valid interest in the property.

A person can receive notifications from Cache County Property Watch only if they are able to prove that they have a valid interest in the property. Cache County Property Watch is a free automated service which gives notification of public records that are already publically available to anyone. The Cache County Recorder's Office will not disclose the identities of those who have signed up for Cache County Property Watch.

No, Cache County Property Watch is a service only available for properties that are in the boundaries of Cache County.

No, you only need to have a valid interest in a Cache County property.

You can sign up for Cache County Property Watch by filling in the form on our Cache County Property Watch Page. You will need to provide your name, phone number, email address, and tax identification number for the property you have an interest in.

If you are having trouble filling out the online form, you may call the Cache County Recorder’s Office and they can help you get signed up over the phone. Cache County Recorder's Office – 435-755-1530.

Please see Cache County's Data Collection and Usage Policy for how personal data is collected and stored.

No, if you are having trouble signing up you may call the Cache County Recorder’s Office and they can help you get signed up over the phone. Cache County Recorder's Office – 435-755-1530.

A person who possesses a beneficial interest in a company, entity, or trust may sign up to receive Cache County Property Watch notifications for any property owned by the company or trust. A company, entity, or trust itself is not eligible to receive notifications from Cache County Property Watch.

Cache County Property Watch notifications are automatically generated emails and will always come from:

First, check your email spam folder for any messages from Some email systems may automatically place notifications from Cache County Property Watch in your spam folder. If this is the case, change the settings in your email to prevent emails from from going to your spam folder.

If you have received an introductory email from but have not received any further notifications from us, rest assured, you are in our system, and any time a document gets recorded against the property you will receive an automatically generated email from Cache County Property Watch. It is typical to have months or years pass by without any documents getting recorded against a property.

Any time a document gets recorded against the property, you will receive an automatically generated email from Cache County Property Watch.

The Cache County Property Watch system is an automatic system that emails a notification after a document is entered and processed into our system. This can only take place after a document is recorded.

Yes, Cache County Property Watch will generate an email notification for every document recorded against a property.

Cache County Property Watch provides notifications that a document has been recorded against the title of the property for your information only. Any action taken as a result of the information provided is the sole responsibility of the person noticed. The Cache County Recorder's Office recommends that you contact your title company or attorney if you are unsure of what action you should take as a result of a Cache County Property Watch notification.

Documents recorded at the County Recorder's Office are legal documents. There are dozens of different types of legal documents, the most common of which, with a brief description of what they do, are listed on our Document Types Page. The Cache County Recorder's Office recommends that you contact your title company or attorney if you need further clarification of what a document is, and how it affects the title of the property.

You may call the Cache County Recorder’s Office and they can review the document and how it was processed. Cache County Recorder’s Office – 435-755-1530.

If the document has been processed correctly, the Cache County Recorder's Office recommends that you contact your title company or attorney for assistance with how to correct the title record or otherwise resolve the title issue.

Simply fill out the online form again with your updated contact information.

Cache County Property Watch will remain active on the property in which you have an interest until a document changes the ownership of that property or you withdraw from the program . When a property you receive notifications for changes ownership, you will receive notification of the document that made the change. Cache County Property Watch will then send you a final confirmation notification that your participation in Cache County Property Watch for that property has been automatically discontinued.

If you qualify to receive Cache County Property Watch notifications for that property, yes, you can rejoin Cache County Property Watch by simply filling out the online form again.

If you no longer want to receive notifications from Cache County Property Watch, please submit the unsubscribe form to be removed from the program. You will receive a final confirmation notification that your participation in Cache County Property Watch has been discontinued.

If you would like to check that Property Watch will work, you can use the verification form at the bottom of the sign up page. Enter your email address and click the "Verify Property Watch" button to have our system send you a detailed email listing all of the properties associated with this email address in Property Watch.