Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Where is the Cache County Library located and who can use it?

A. The Cache County Library is located in Providence, Utah at 15 North Main. Anyone in the county can use the library facility because it is a county library.


Q. When is the Cache County Library open?

A. Our hours of operation can be viewed on our Contact page.


Q. Where do you get your funds to purchase books, etc.?

A. Budget for the library is provided by Cache County funds and an assessment from Providence and River Heights cities. Some funding also comes from grants, fines, and fees.


Q. How do I get a library card?

A. Library cards can be obtained by filling out a registration card at the library circulation desk. Cards are available to all those who live in the county if they are at least five years of age. There is no charge for a card, but duplications or replacement cards cost $1.00.


Q. Can I use other libraries with the Cache County Library card?

A. No. The Cache County Library card can be used only with this library. All other public libraries in Cache County are city libraries and though you may use their facilities and collections on-site, most assess a fee for check-out purposes.


Q. How many items am I allowed to check out at one time?

A. Circulation is for a two-week period so we usually advise patrons to check out what they can read in that time period. We also advise no more than 25 items be checked out by the family at a time. Patrons may borrow no more than four DVDs, four audio books, and four children’s books with cassettes or CDs at a time. We also allow no more than two newly purchased books with no renewal at one time.


Q. Do you have any good recommendations?

A. We post listings on the library board when new purchases are made. The library strives to provide current materials in regular adult fiction, religious fiction, and juvenile-children’s books. Librarians can advise individually.