Parcel Viewer & Summary Tool
The map below contains information about parcels, subdivisions, county zoning, city zoning, annexations, sensitive areas, and other county planning layers. The data contained in this map is updated on a monthly basis. Questions about the map functionality or map data please contact the GIS staff.
Curious where the GIS data comes from? Here are the most asked about GIS layers within the Parcel & Zoning Viewer.
All questions about CITY ZONING should be directed to the respective cities. All questions about COUNTY ZONING should be directed to County Planning and Zoning.
Click on Map to Enter Parcel & Zoning Viewer
Clear Web Browsers Cache if you are getting errors

The Parcel Summary Tool allows you to quickly and consistently identify many sensitive areas and other geographic features on a property. It was created with Sections 17.10, 17.17, and 17.18 of the Cache County Land Use Ordinance in mind. It most likely does not include all the topics required by other municipalities’ ordinances.
Enter a valid parcel number in the box labeled “Parcel” and click Execute. The tool should switch to the Output tab and show the progress animation while it works. Please be patient; it’s checking over 20 different data sources. It shouldn’t take more than about half a minute, unless the server is begging for mercy. 
Once it’s finished, it will display a message and provide a link to the Parcel Summary PDF. Click on this link to open the file or right click to download it.
As noted in our official disclaimer on the PDF, we don’t (and can’t) guarantee the accuracy of the data presented on this summary. We obviously do our best, but we are not geotechnical experts or fire district officials. The presence of an area in the summary means more investigation may be needed.
The tool is overly-cautious: it checks for anything on the parcel itself and within 100 feet of the parcel. This makes sure you don’t miss anything that may be important to the property.
The tool checks two sources for parcel legality. First, it checks to see if the parcel’s center is inside an established subdivision boundary. Second, it checks to see if the size or configuration has significantly changed since 8 August 2006. These checks are not perfect; in particular, the size or configuration of a parcel could have changed in a way consistent with County Code but the tool still flags the parcel as restricted. Cache County planning and zoning staff can verify the legality status.
Jurisdiction is determined by any city boundaries that cross the parcel’s borders. If this result doesn’t appear to be correct, it is possible that there is a slight mismatch between our parcel layer and the city boundary layer. Please let us know (435-755-1640) and we’ll fix it as soon as we can.
The tool will identify any source water protection zones 1 or 2 on the property but does not display them on the map, nor are they available on the web map. Please come to the Development Services office or contact the Utah Department of Environmental Quality if you have questions.
Naturally, this tool will run perfectly, every time, from now to Armageddon. If cosmic rays strike and it somehow fails, it will give an error message in the Output tab. The two most common errors come from entering an improperly formatted Parcel ID (which should look something like 06-019-0009) or entering a Parcel ID that does not exist.