GIS - Mapping Home

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
The GIS division is the main provider of analysis and mapping services for the county.
We currently have 4 staff within our division. We are located on the 3rd Floor (Development Service's Office) of the County Administration building in downtown Logan.
What We Do
The mission of the GIS division is to coordinate and provide GIS services to county departments and to serve county residents and the general public on their needs of spatial information relevant to their work and their daily life. We also support many local governments on their GIS efforts and coordinate GIS projects with federal, state and local agencies within the county.
Want to find more detailed info about the GIS Division? Visit the ArcGIS Story Map below.

What We Provide
Program History and Milestones
1995 Beginnings of GIS
Cache County enters an agreement for technical services with Applied GIS. This agreement states the County requires the management of a needs assessment/plan and the development of a test project for the design of a (GIS) geographic information system at a cost of $48,500. Contract #95-21-01 .
1997 Smart Map Contract
A contract was enacted for the intergation of the tax-roll, GIS, and property cards into a system that would provide a more complete, unified and easier to maintain system. Contact #97-31-01.
2002 Parcel Data Born
INGEO Systems is hired to do initial digitization and creation of a parcel database for the (CAMA) computer assisted mass appraisal system at a cost of $77,890. Contract #02-49-01
2007 - 2008 GIS Staff Increased
Memorandum was issued to Lynn Lemon, then County Executive, describing the need to hire additional GIS staff and hire an outside consultant to make parcel updates to the original INGEO parcel product that was neglected for so many years. Authorization to proceed with consultants.
2008 Parcel Updates
Daily maintenance of a countywide parcel fabric becomes a big priority for the County. The parcels have become the backbone of the County's GIS system. All County departments and many local industries, related to land and property, rely on this GIS product for their daily workflow. The parcels have been updated on a daily basis since 2008.
2009 Enterprise GIS/ Server
GIS Server software, DBMS (Database Management System), and server hardware are purchased @ $55,000. This initial purchase allows the County to take a big step toward becoming an Enterprise GIS . The County sees the need for GIS to integrate through an entire organization so that a large number of users can manage, share, and use spatial data and related information to address a variety of needs, including data creation, modification, visualization, analysis, and dissemination.
2009 - 2012 Web GIS is Born
Creation of other crucial GIS data begins. While parcels are important other GIS layers are born. New layers include but are not limited to, county and city zoning, city future annexation areas, subdivisions, record of survey boundaries, and many public works layers. There is also the organization of layers created by other government agencies. In 2010 we see the early beginnings of the County's online web mapping also known as "Web GIS" take form. This early web mapping was created with the now obsolete, Adobe Flex (SDK) Software Development Kit.
2012 - 2015 Upgraded Server
In 2012 a newer server, on loan from our IT Department, allowed us to deploy a more powerful ArcGIS server. The Adobe Flex (SDK) becomes obsolete in 2011. We are now tasked with migrating over and creating new web mapping to what we now develop with, the ArcGIS API for JavaScript and Dojo (API) Application Programing Interface. The Parcel Viewer and Survey & Section Corner Viewer are a part of this migration allowing us to now be working with a more stable and ESRI supported development environment. More foundation GIS data layers are created at lightning speed!
2015 - 2017 Upgraded Server
After 5 years of service, we realize that our 2012 GIS server can't handle the demand of all our online mapping resources, database, and web server needs. A new GIS server comes online, in early 2017, at the cost of $15,000. Many online maps are now in maintenance mode along with the creation of new interactive maps knowing the GIS server can handle the user demand.
Continue to grow the GIS services for Cache County residents......