Development Services
When building ANY type of structure, please contact Development Services (435)755-1640 to find out what permits are required before any construction is started.
Before pursuing any development, use the GIS Parcel Summary Tool to determine the legality of your parcel.
Cache County adopted the Comprehensive General Plan Update on February 28, 2023 for the areas within unincorporated Cache County, with strategic plans and studies (Appendices B, C and D) to support regional collaboration between the County and partner municipalities.
The General Plan synthesizes data and public feedback to describe current conditions and envisions the future of unincorporated Cache County, and how the County can coordinate growth, development and land preservation with municipalities.
This General Plan meets the required State laws for general planning for land use, and includes the following supplemental Appendices to support Countywide Planning efforts: The Regional Collaboration Plan, Urban and Rural Area Assessment, and Cost of Services.
Please contact Stephen Nelson with further questions:
Amended February 14, 2023 (Download)
Moderate Income Housing Report - 2021
To learn more about the Countywide Planning, Trails and Active Transportation, and Geographic Information (GIS) Departments and how they can assist your community, check out this interactive StoryMap.
Our office also includes the Countywide Planning and Development Office (CPDO) and works with the Cache Metropolitan Planning Organization (CMPO). Select an icon below to access their respective websites.
Countywide Planning
- A resource for local city planning needs.
- Assists in countywide land use planning coordination between municipalities and the county.
Cache Metropolitan Planning Organization
- A resource in long-range transportation planning and prioritization of facility investments.
- UDOT liaison regarding access to State Highways.
- The pre-application meeting request form for access from a UDOT roadway can be found here.