Envision Cache Valley

The Cache Valley Vision

The Envision Cache Valley Vision is the culmination of an extensive public visioning process. Public preferences expressed at ten workshops were used to create alternative growth scenarios. Residents weighed on components of the scenarios at 13 town hall meetings and online. Components favored by the public were used to create a vision statement, vision principles, and vision scenario maps and projected consequences. These documents summarize how residents think Cache Valley should grow and represent the collective input of a broad sample of people living in the valley.


Vision Statement

Keep the City, City and the Country, Country.

Cache Valley citizens envision a future that embraces the character and quality of life that residents currently appreciate. Our communities are a source of pride and identity. We want to invest in our towns which have served us well as centers for living, industry and culture. We encourage most growth to happen in these communities, maintaining and creating safe, vibrant and rich places for future generations. Our communities will be sensitive to the varied needs of a diverse population by providing viable housing and transportation options for everyone.


What happens outside our towns is equally important. We value our natural surroundings: water quality, scenic beauty, wildlife habitat, clean air, agriculture, and outdoor recreation. We will maintain and enhance those qualities we enjoy today, while attending to those things that could compromise our quality of life and the health of those who come after us. By focusing much of our future growth in existing municipalities, we will reduce the pressure on many of the features that make Cache Valley great. Further, we will work together to maintain and enhance the agricultural and natural lands that sustain us.


Read the Final Report: You can download the entire Final Report by clicking on the button below. The final report is 32.0 MB and may take a few minutes to download if have a slow internet connection. For quicker viewing you may choose to download each chapter individually. You may also choose to view a slideshow summary of the final report here.


ECV Final Report
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3: The Cache Valley Vision Chapter 4 Chapter 5: Implementation Toolkit