Staff and Boards

Cache/Box Elder/Rich CJC Staff

Scott Bodily, Executive Director (

Tanya Hill, Assistant Director and Forensic Interviewer (

Kassidy Pettingill, Coordinator (


Medical Team

Stacie Mecham, Nurse Practitioner

Wendy Hull, Registered Nurse


Crisis Therapists

Jodi Morgan

Janae Sorenson


The medical team at the CJC is on-site and offers a complete examination room where comprehensive medical exams that assist children and caretakers are provided.  It takes place in a warm setting and children are reassured that abuse was not their fault.  This program takes place in partnership with Primary Children's Hospital Safe and Healthy Families who provides practitioners who are specially trained in child abuse.  




The purpose of the Cache County Children's Justice Center Advisory Board is to advise the Center in their mission to provide a comfortable child-friendly atmosphere for alleged victims of child abuse, and for those children to receive coordinated services during the investigative process.  The work of CJC's is codified at 67-5b-101 (Utah Code Annotated).


Membership of JC Advisory Boards are designated by state statute.  





The Friends of the Cache County Children’s Justice Center (CJC) of Cache Valley was founded as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in 2000 to provide assistance in the form of funds, resources, and volunteers to help the CJC fulfill their mission.  The main purpose is to raise funds to support program costs such as training, victim needs, building expenses, and furnishings.  

A top funding priority is the building itself.  It is important to maintain a warm, safe and neutral environment where a team of professionals investigate child abuse.

Another funding priority is to support specialized training for new caseworkers, detectives and prosecutors to gain advanced skills in interviewing child victims for their witness statements about the crime. These important interviews are crucial so that healing and justice can begin. When the child or teen feels safe and supported during the interview process they can feel reassured that caring professionals are looking out for their best interest and help them gain access to counseling or expert medical care if needed.


If you're interested in joining the Friends Board, please contact Karina Brown, CJC Office Specialist, at