Drug Court

The First District Drug Court's overall recidivism rate since its inception in 2000 is 15%, as measured by the number who graduate and don't return with new criminal charges. The recidivism rate at the Utah State Prison is approximately 50%, where they return within three years with new charges.


Qualification is determined by a screening process completed by the prosecuting attorney and Bear River Drug and Alcohol. The Prosecutor reviews current charges, criminal history and confers with the arresting officer and victims. Defendants are required to have a pending felony charge, but violent or sexual crimes and DUIS are generally not accepted. Potential clients also complete drug and alcohol assessments with Bear River Drug and Alcohol to determine their level of risk and need. Only those who are determined to be high risk and high need qualify for Drug Court.


There are five phases in Drug Court which include UA's, one-on-on therapy, group therapy, drug and alcohol classes, NA/AA participation, required full-time work or schooling, and probation. Typically, defendants graduate the program in one and a half years, but there is a three year maximum time length.


  • Drug Court Coordinator - Sheryl Andreason Bear River Drug and Alcohol 435-792-6422
  • Drug Court Prosecutor - Andrew McAdams Cache County Attorney's Office 435-755-1860
  • Drug Court Clerk - Angela Brown First District Court 435-750-1300 
  • Drug Court Judge - Thomas L. Willmore